Dog training

They Were Attacking Each Other Every Day!

I received a message the other day on messenger:

“Hello, I was referred to you be a friend due to my 3 dogs attacking each other everyday for 3 days with my family visiting from out of town. They have never been this bad and now it's all the time. The stress and anxiety from all of them is at a all time high. I'm sure they are feeding some of that off my mom because she is very stressful person. One of my dogs I recently rescued in April from PiMA Animal Shelter in Tuscon AZ, the other 2 I've had for years. But they all have their own individual issues and for some reason now there's a dog fight and it's all 3 attacking one or everyone. Please let me know how I can set up something with you. I recently relocated out here and don't know anyone.“

Thats did not sound good. I immediately called and arranged an appointment in person even though it was a q90q minutes drive one way.


Rule Disputes- Aggression

This is Max 80#, I got him in April from a shelter in Tucson. He is about 1 years old and was found in a desert. Very loving dog to people. But gets very aggressive when the other dogs do something to him he doesn't like. He gets in these attack modes and goes nuts and bites anything in his way. I've learned to try and calm him instead of yelling at him one he's biting another one of my dogs. But when he bites then he doesn't let go.


Separation Anxiety- Possession Disputes

This is Spud 103# he is 6 and will be 7 on November. I've had him since he was 6 weeks and got him at a shelter in Illinois. He's the love of my life. Since I got max he won't sleep in bed with me anymore which is weird because he's always been attached to my hip his whole life. Since moving here in December his separation anxiety is at a all time high. I can't walk out the door with one of the other dogs without him or he goes nuts screaming and crying and lunging himself out of the cage or to knock the back gate now. He also has never been aggressive but this past week has been getting aggressive towards Max and growling and snapping at him. He is very bone aggressive and guards his food and will take everyone else's food.


Territorial and Possession Disputes

This is Duke 80#, I've had him since he was 5 weeks my step dad gave him to me when his dog had puppies. Duke is 5yrs old. He for the most part listens the most out of all 3. He is very toy aggressive and will take toys away from the other dogs. He also likes his personal space when he grumpy and will attack max to get him away from him or to just take the toy away even though he doesn't want to play with it he just doesn't want max to have it. He is also bone aggressive and can be aggressive about treats but it's rare.

When I arrived in the small one bedroom appointment, I found one dog isolated in the bed room, one dog gated in the kitchen, and one dog in crate. Very stressful situation!

We were dealing with multiple aggression issues, high level stress, recent relocation, big dogs, and a young owner who was ready to surrender Max back to the shelter.

I had to come up with a solid, stress free, flexible and owner friendly treatment plan.

Starting with Max, who was uneducated and has no bite inhibition. I showed Jessica to get rid of the prong collar, walked lose leash, get max attention and learn redirect him to alternative behaviors and be more obedient. Gave them tools and exercises to ground, and showed her to use emotional conditioning in combination with classical conditioning.

We had only one in person session and it seems Jessica has a gift with animals. She was able to absorb the lesson, work consistently and set new priorities in her life.

We are doing great no issues in almost 6 months. They all love each other and know each other’s boundaries.
— Jessica R. - Phoenix AZ, USA

From Food-Aggression To Zero Incidents

I just wanted to thank you for everything! Our talk last night both assured that some of my thoughts as to why this was happening were right as well as opened my eyes to some of my mistakes in handling it. I LOVE being a mom and wouldn't change that for the world, but Larry's issues made me realize that when I became a mom to my human children, I put so much into them that I truly lost a piece of myself. Our chat has sparked something in me to find that again. And I have Larry to thank for that. We started fresh today and not on lash out. I know I have a long road ahead of me, but I'm excited to grow my relationship not only with Larry but with myself. Read more

He got everyone involved, including our toddler

 ”After doing research to find the best trainer in Phoenix for our needs we hired Roman and couldn't be happier with our decision.

He immediately showed us why our Cane Corso puppy did the things he did and what we were doing wrong and how to correct it. He got everyone involved, including our toddler.”


I was scared she would bite me

January 6th

I got a FB message request:

“Hi Roman, my heart is broken. We are a family of four 2 beautiful EM with us since puppies and a brindle EM/Boxer female we rescued 1.5 years ago. She came from a drug house filled with abuse physical and emotional and bred at a very young age . She was pulled off the streets from an animal rescue. They posted her picture the rest us history . Through out her time with us we have overcome many hurdles. We feel that we have gained her trust and have given her love and a stable family . She is the pack leader which I’m not sure is normal for a new dog to come in and take over or not but she rules both my boys who really don’t care one way or another. Sorry trying to make this short , I am with her the most I am vet attentive to her as I guess we always feel bad for her . Bottom line Roman she bites me a lot and it’s always when I am giving her loving attention. She gives ever indication she want the pets and love and her body language and her talk says she is loving it and then BAM out of the blue she goes at my face . I have several marks on my face over a two week period but it is always me that she does this to . I am ready to give up and just leave her alone . I love her and will never forsake her but this breaks my heart ♥️. Thanks for listening 

- Candice McGuigan Blenheim, Ontario Canada  

But there was another problem:

 “We didn’t have the money for private but i truly believe no one understands more than you”

The solution: 

I had a online workshop coming up and also tons of videos on my YouTube channel so I had them subscribe and watch specific videos.  

Yesterday I got tagged on a post:

 Roman Gottfried is not a dog trainer. ( Well not your typical one)

His ability to read and understand the needs of dogs is beyond any trainer out there today. Dogs are family and should be treated as such.

He understands  that the beloved canine in the house isn’t a thing to control but to be loved, listened to, respected and taught how to behave in this human environment, which they didn’t ask for, we picked them. Roman under stands their feelings, how they think and by their body language what their mood and health . You won’t hear him use harsh words , no harsh equipment and no out of bounds in the house unless it is your wish or a danger . So for those that want their dog acting robotic, obeying your every wish, and continue to humiliate your loved one , please don’t go to Roman, he is not your guy !

Although i hate this picture of me , this is our Zoe Zelda who was a rescue with  abusive issues.  A year ago I would not have been able to get this close to her . We were scared for her , 

I sent two videos to Roman , and he identified her concern and  over time we addressed it with her. We have had her two years now and the care and concern Roman had for her was her cure !! 

Never give upon them!


This got my surprise and I have to admit that I had tears in my eyes. People love their dog’s, they are vomited, they need help, and some times they don’t have the financial strength to buy services.  

I wish I could help them all but it all has a price.  

Last year I donated 600 hours in online consultations for low income and rescue cases. 


You can help make a difference, by helping me supporting those in need, to get the training necessary to keep the dogs in their homes and not surrendered to the shelter, Or put to sleep.