
Our Fosters Reported Direct Benefits

We have been working with Roman through a virtual workshop to help our rescue provide better care for the dogs we serve.


There are several benefits to the online workshop and behavior support that Roman has provided to our rescue, Mastiffs to Mutts Rescue.

We are a foster based rescue that serves many Mid-Atlantic States. Through Roman’s workshops, our fosters across 8 different states were able to benefit from learning a skill base that can be used for their current and future fosters. He uses an interactive online method that allows him to perform live demonstrations as well as to answer specific questions during the trainings.

Additionally, his trainings are available to review at a later time for those who misses the trainings or need to refresh their memory.

Roman is not symptom-based, as he tries to provide guidance through finding the root of the problem that is causing the behavior rather than using band-aid techniques.

His focus is not to manage the behavior but to rectify it. He asks for questions regarding real-life struggles with dog behavior and will then virtually demonstrate the techniques that fosters can use and practice in between sessions.  

Roman has been helpful to both our fosters and our admin team as the virtual trainings provided a safe outlet for us to discuss concerns and experiences in a judgement-free zone where we can learn from one another while being guided by Roman.

We would highly recommend Roman as our fosters have reported direct benefits from his trainings

Peg Benoit

Director Of Mastiffs To Mutts Rescue   501c3

They Were Attacking Each Other Every Day!

I received a message the other day on messenger:

“Hello, I was referred to you be a friend due to my 3 dogs attacking each other everyday for 3 days with my family visiting from out of town. They have never been this bad and now it's all the time. The stress and anxiety from all of them is at a all time high. I'm sure they are feeding some of that off my mom because she is very stressful person. One of my dogs I recently rescued in April from PiMA Animal Shelter in Tuscon AZ, the other 2 I've had for years. But they all have their own individual issues and for some reason now there's a dog fight and it's all 3 attacking one or everyone. Please let me know how I can set up something with you. I recently relocated out here and don't know anyone.“

Thats did not sound good. I immediately called and arranged an appointment in person even though it was a q90q minutes drive one way.


Rule Disputes- Aggression

This is Max 80#, I got him in April from a shelter in Tucson. He is about 1 years old and was found in a desert. Very loving dog to people. But gets very aggressive when the other dogs do something to him he doesn't like. He gets in these attack modes and goes nuts and bites anything in his way. I've learned to try and calm him instead of yelling at him one he's biting another one of my dogs. But when he bites then he doesn't let go.


Separation Anxiety- Possession Disputes

This is Spud 103# he is 6 and will be 7 on November. I've had him since he was 6 weeks and got him at a shelter in Illinois. He's the love of my life. Since I got max he won't sleep in bed with me anymore which is weird because he's always been attached to my hip his whole life. Since moving here in December his separation anxiety is at a all time high. I can't walk out the door with one of the other dogs without him or he goes nuts screaming and crying and lunging himself out of the cage or to knock the back gate now. He also has never been aggressive but this past week has been getting aggressive towards Max and growling and snapping at him. He is very bone aggressive and guards his food and will take everyone else's food.


Territorial and Possession Disputes

This is Duke 80#, I've had him since he was 5 weeks my step dad gave him to me when his dog had puppies. Duke is 5yrs old. He for the most part listens the most out of all 3. He is very toy aggressive and will take toys away from the other dogs. He also likes his personal space when he grumpy and will attack max to get him away from him or to just take the toy away even though he doesn't want to play with it he just doesn't want max to have it. He is also bone aggressive and can be aggressive about treats but it's rare.

When I arrived in the small one bedroom appointment, I found one dog isolated in the bed room, one dog gated in the kitchen, and one dog in crate. Very stressful situation!

We were dealing with multiple aggression issues, high level stress, recent relocation, big dogs, and a young owner who was ready to surrender Max back to the shelter.

I had to come up with a solid, stress free, flexible and owner friendly treatment plan.

Starting with Max, who was uneducated and has no bite inhibition. I showed Jessica to get rid of the prong collar, walked lose leash, get max attention and learn redirect him to alternative behaviors and be more obedient. Gave them tools and exercises to ground, and showed her to use emotional conditioning in combination with classical conditioning.

We had only one in person session and it seems Jessica has a gift with animals. She was able to absorb the lesson, work consistently and set new priorities in her life.

We are doing great no issues in almost 6 months. They all love each other and know each other’s boundaries.
— Jessica R. - Phoenix AZ, USA

Goodbye Separation Anxiety -Goedemorgen to Awesomeness

I have had a wonderful experience working with Roman! At first I was a bit skeptical about it being online but I actually really enjoyed it! I was able to work around my schedule without having to leave my home. I also really appreciated that our sessions were recorded so I could go back and watch it with my family and take better notes. I really enjoyed that! Two thumbs up for the online aspect! Learn more

Two years after he launched at my four year old child…

Two years after he launched at my four year old child…

Bruce has been with my family for more than two years now. He is an absolute light in my life, he brings joy to me every single day. There will never be words for me to express just how grateful I am to Roman for helping me learn how to be the best caregiver that I can be for Bruce.

Melissa W. - Canada

Gratitude: She Traveled Like a Freaking ROCK STAR

Gratitude: She Traveled Like a Freaking ROCK STAR

10 months ago my client  was offered a job overseas: less than 2 years after moving into their house they  built after losing their old one and pups to fire a year prior.😱

Losing them, ( Mastador, Ziba, and  big mama’s boy Dane, Hagrid,)  prompted their  search for new loves to *try* to fill their holes left in their hearts. They found them. EM Guinness, and Dane Fezzik. What happened next will make you cry 😭

read more  

I have a new outlook, a better understanding.

After watching Roman Gottfried  videos...I have a new outlook on my boy and guess what....he is on his way to being balanced again..only because I have a new outlook and therefore a better understanding.  Thank you Roman!

Your Videos Helped Us Comunicate With Luci

September 9, 2015


Just wanted to let you know that You have been a HUGE asset to us both and Luci!  Your videos have really helped us to understand how to communicate with Luci.  She has picked up on things so quickly once we watched your videos and applied your "wise wisdom." We joke and say that we were the ones that needed the training, and not her.. Have a AWESOME Day!


 Kevin, Denise and Luci. - Jamestown, New York

Luci 2018