The Best Puppy Parenting Workshop In The World (From Your Living Room)
Puppies are mischievous creatures! They're naturally curious, energetic, and always seem to get into what they shouldn't. Add furniture, flower-beds, holiday decorations, parties, and extra people in the house to the mix, and you've got a recipe for disaster.
Get it right from the start. Become your puppy's best parent
Get your puppy to listen to you from day one, with gentle and dog-friendly methods.
Teach your puppy the skills it needs to be a happy and safe member of your family.
$37 USD
Includes a free PDF copy of Puppy development stages and how to prevent puppy trauma
What You'll Learn
You'll learn how to get your dog to pay attention to you when you need it to, so that behavior can be addressed quickly. You'll also have a better understanding of how a dog tries to communicate its needs, so there are fewer likely to be bite incidents or get in trouble.
You’ll be able to take what you learn from this online workshop and use it with any puppy that comes into your home.
The information you receive will also help your kids learn about dog language behaviors and being more responsible around the puppy.
Why it’s important
If a puppy isn't trained within a certain time frame, all the troublesome issues that haven't been addressed are going to become serious issues later, and probably cost a bunch of money.
Interviews with 3,772 owners were completed. Those people relinquished 3,676 dogs and litters and 1,409 cats and litters. The 71 reasons for relinquishment were condensed into 12 broad classes here the top three behavior reason for Relinquishment for Animals in 12 U.S. Shelters (1995-1996) Data
Behavior-other related issues 28.8%
Aggression toward people 9.8%
Aggression toward animals 7.8%
From 3,676 relinquished dogs
191 dogs were 0-5 months old
1.023 were 5 months-3 years old
409 were 3-8 years old
394 were >8 years old
This Workshop will minimize the chance that your dog could become statistics.
The topics addressed in this workshop:
How to get your dog's attention
Force-free obedience
Helping your puppy with bite inhibition
Teaching morals and ethics
Proper socialization
Understanding dog traits and behaviors
Troubleshooting puppy problem behaviors