
The Key To Successful Adoption

The Key To Successful Adoption

The first three weeks are crucial to your newly rescued or adopted dog or puppy.  

Simply wanting a dog Is not enough to give the dog a chance of survival in our complex human environment.  

Here a few tips to get it right from the start.  

Can CBD Hemp Oil Help Dogs with Anxiety and Reactivity?

Can CBD Hemp Oil Help Dogs with Anxiety and Reactivity?

Training and consistency go a long way when it comes to helping your behaviorally challenged dog, but it doesn’t always work on its own. There’s been a big push in recent years to medicate dogs for reactivity, anxiety, and fear, but CBD hemp oil is a much better alternative than many of the drugs being prescribed. Learn what CBD oil is, what it isn’t, and how it can help your dog’s behavior. But FDA warns: Not every CBD tinctures are safe! Read more